Prophecy - God's Word

Scripture Reading - 2 Peter 1:17-21 KJV

17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Today we will speak briefly about “Prophecy”. Generally biblical “prophecy” can be thought of in four ways. 1st “Prophecy” is the spoken Word of God, 2ndly “Prophecy” is a prediction of an event, situation and/or circumstance that will happen in the future. 3rdly “Prophecy” is a gift from God and 4thly prophecy is a spirit. In this lesson we will focus on the substance of “prophecy” known as the Holy Word of God. Notice in the scriptures above the Father God appeared to Jesus, Peter, James and John in the mountain of transfiguration spoken of in Matthew 17:1-9. Today, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ many Christians would take an experience like that over the Word of God any day of week because their sight, hearing, feelings and mind (soul) will accepted whatever they heard as being God’s Will for their selves and also all men abroad depending upon the content of the message. Yes, it is a lot easier to believe in an experience you physically know about than to accept God’s Spiritual Word literally for your life. Why? One reason is the devil can fight you on understanding God’s Word and receiving a promise of God because your physical senses might not see anything before them at a certain time. Thus, you must walk by faith to receive from God once you have a basic understanding of how the Kingdom of God works. Yes, many people believe what they experience in life over God’s Word because God’s Word is not real to them. If a person has not experienced the touch of God’s Promise in their everyday life they will stumble on trying to believe for the Word of God to be fulfilled in their life. Yes, the Promises of God are a part of His “Prophecy” toward mankind. When the Holy Scripture states that God loves you, the “prophecy” is the scripture of love speaking directly to you. However that specific scripture of love only really has meaning to you if you sense the Love of God in your heart. Yes, generally speaking “prophecy” is the tangible element of God’s Word that can be felt spiritually, mentally and physically. Whatever the subject (need, desire, issue) there is probably a scripture in the Holy Bible to cover it favorably on your behalf. So when the circumstances of life come against you find the “prophecy” that speaks directly to the problem facing you and start “prophesying” your solution out of your mouth. Typically, “prophecy” is the promise while “prophesying” is speaking forth the promise to your circumstance to bring about a positive change. “Prophecy” could be considered the noun (person, place or thing) while “prophesy” can be considered the verb (action word) of a sentence. Yes, whether the promise is old or new if it was spoken by God (or one of His Servants and/or Children) it is considered “prophecy”. So when thinking of “Prophecy” in this context know that the overall spoken Word of God written in the Holy Bible is all “prophecy”. This fact encourages all believers to strongly believe in “Prophecy” solely because it was ordained by God and it is a holy part of God’s plan for man. Thus “Prophecy” is here to stay and it definitely doesn’t have to always be about the future because some realities today are the “prophecies” of yesterday. Amen!